Personal Branding Photography And Why It's Important

Psssst. Attract Premium Clients & Charge What Your Worth By Creating a Magnetic Personal Brand!

Learn How to Get Consistent Magazine-Quality Pictures For Your Personal Brand That Captures Attention, Tells a Story & Makes Your Ideal Clients Want to Work With You

Have you ever scrolled through the images of an influencer or leader you admire and just thought, “Dang, all their images are awesome. I want that life. She seems to have the best clients, the best style, the best [insert your own admiration]”

What that person understands that you may not is that to attract premium clients requires a magnetic personal brand, and that includes consistently posting authentic, quality photos of you that captures your ideal clients attention and tells a story that resonates with them.

Without this, it’s hard to cut through all the noise and land clients that you actually want to work with.

Coaches, entrepreneurs, speakers, authors and thought leaders all need beautiful marketing photos. Personal brand photography is telling the story of you and your brand in action through magazine-quality images. 

But if you are just starting, it can feel intimidating to invest so much money into pictures that do the job of communicating your worth. And what if those images don’t live up to your expectations? Or decide to pivot and those images don’t work for you anymore?

Here’s the thing:

They didn’t just start taking pretty images of themselves and posting and then suddenly start getting clients. (Well, they may have but if they are at the top of their industry, they’ve done some foundational brand strategy work to make sure that pictures had a purpose.)

Imagery in branding serves to AMPLIFY your personal and brand values so that people can resonate with you immediately and say either this girl is my cup of tea or she’s not. 

There are 4 super-important steps you need to take before making even a small investment in professional photography to make sure you walk away from a personal brand photoshoot with images that you LOVE.

  1. Follow the 8 steps in this blog post to start developing a true-to-you personal brand that can grow with you. (especially helpful to make your investment in those professional  images go further and last longer)

  2. Pinterest Mood Board
    Your visuals should align with your 8 steps above and only serve to amplify your values and mission at a glance. If you need help with this, check out my blog post on: How To Create a Personal Brand Visual Identity

  3.  Plan A Styled Brand Shoot

    You’ll need to consider a number of different things. I’ve outlined it all in the Styled Shoot planner that you can use to plan a styled shoot yourself or use with a photographer to help you communicate what you are looking for

  4. Show up as you and not as some ‘persona’. 

    There is truth in dressing for the job you want, but at the end of the day that job is to be YOU so show up as the best version of yourself, not as someone else whose success you are trying to emulate. There is a fine line between admiration and emulation and being a copycat.

It’s time to shine and get some quality photos of yourself!

Attract Premium Clients & Charge What Your Worth By Creating a Magnetic Personal Brand

Learn How to Get Consistent Magazine-Quality Pictures For Your Personal Brand That Captures Attention, Tells a Story & Makes Your Ideal Clients Want to Work With You

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How To Create A Visual Brand Identity