5 Reasons Squarespace Is A Better Platform To Start A Business On
When choosing a platform to build your online business presence, you need to choose a platform that will work with you and not against you, one that will grow with you and not put limitations on you.
Having been on multiple platforms like Word Press, Weebly, Blogger, Blogspot and Wix to name a few, I can truly appreciate the simple power of Squarespace, which is why I rave about it the way that I do.
(Squarespace doesn’t even have an affiliate program. No one is paying me to say these things. It’s just that good.)
Most of us don’t have the time or interest to learn code in order to customize our sites, nor do we have the money to hire a developer when we are just starting out. We need a option that is DIY friendly and still affordable.
I think given the time, heartache and money you would have to pay a developer to get the site you want, Squarespace MORE than pays for itself as a website to serve your interests.
Here are 5 ways I think Squarespace outperforms all the other platforms.
They may be reason enough for you to either switch over early or start out on it from the get-go.
1) Cover Pages
Really you just need a cover page to get started building interest in your product or courses. Link that cover page as a ‘coming soon’ page to your social media while you build interest and start building your audience, community and list. Squarespace has beautiful and easily customizable cover pages built in that allow you to focus on your business.
Cover pages also work great for a temporary home page as function as an announcement page for a new launch or new product. It temporarily changes your site with a simple drag and drop of the order of your pages.
2) Opt-ins, Buttons, Calls-to-Action and Newsletter Boxes
If you are interested in online business, these little elements on your site are a must. Your audience needs an enticing place to opt-in to whatever you are offering. This is surprisingly much more difficult to customize in other platforms.
3) Announcement Bar
Update your site, without updating your site. This is a really savvy little addition that I think is a classy advertisement for you upcoming news and products that you want to feature. Sidebars are cluttery. Announcement bars are neat and like a headline in the newspaper. Also they can be removed if your audience doesn’t want to look at it. So lovely.
4) Mobile-Responsive
Everybody knows that Google and other search engines penalize businesses for not being mobile responsive. Squarespace takes care of this for you so that you can focus on more important things in your business rather than the technical aspects of website building and optimization. Unless you are website coder, leave this to Squarespace and get on with your life.
5) Easy design
Squarespace is a wonderful platform that even non-artsy, non-design-y people can use. Why is this? The Style Editor is created to limit the number of fonts and colors you are able to use. Every designer knows this is a numero uno mistake that DIYers make on the website, inconsistent styles, colors, images and fonts.
The drag and drop user interface also helps limit visual imbalances on your site by automatically spacing and sizing things proportionately. I have not found these things to be limiting, but rather freeing.
If you find there is something you can’t do, Squarespace has the best customer service of any platform I’ve experienced, and I’ve played with just about all of them out there.