5 Ways A Coach Can TRANSFORM Your Business

5 ways a coach can transform your business

1. Getting Unstuck.

We are so close to our own businesses sometimes we are unable to see the forest because the trees are in our way..Maybe your blind spot is a mindset issue. These are the hardest to see. Maybe it’s messaging issue that with a minor tweak could explode into engagement and sales.


2. More Results, Faster.

You don’t know, what you don’t know. Being an entrepreneur is a commitment to being a lifelong learner. And some days we don’t know what we don’t know. Having expert eyes on your business helps you learn faster and often at the expense of someone else’s time wasted and misfortune.


3. Less Stress & More Life Balance.

It’s an investment that pays for itself. By shortening the learning curve, you are able to focus on the MOST profitable tasks in your business. Not only that but the time you gain, not only has tangible but intangible benefits like reduced stress and overwhelm. Improving the quality of life and business balance is not a benefit to be dismissed lightly.


4. A Personalized Roadmap.

Courses are great but when it comes to applying the information to your situation, you need custom feedback. I don’t need to expound too much here but courses are great for increasing general knowledge but your business is not cookie cutter. Not everything applies to you. Having some sort out for you what you should consider focusing on first cuts down on the overwhelm and gets you profitable, faster.


5. A Boost of Hope.

To believe we can do things in complete isolation is a very deceptive lie. It’s so easy to fall into the trap of believing I can do this on my own without help from anyone. If you look at anyone at a high level of leadership, you’ll see that they didn’t get there without a mentor. Maybe they didn’t have an extensive relationship but they received advice and wisdom at crucial times to help them get where they wanted to be. Coaching doesn’t have to last a lifetime. Sometimes 6 months of your life is all that’s needed to launch someone in the right direction. And in the grand scheme of things, that’s not very long commitment at all.


If you’ve been wondering if 1:1 support is what you need to get unstuck, to get results faster with less stress and with a personalized roadmap, I offer a 30 minute discovery call to see if the coaching I offer is a good match for this stage of your business journey.

This complimentary 30 minute discovery call will give clarity on what I offer as a coach in my 1:1 program, what it would look like for us to work together and how that would impact your business. This session doesn't obligate you to anything. Moving forward depends on both you & I deciding we are a good fit. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. But don’t just take my word for it.

Here’s what others have had to say about working with me:

A Twinkle In Time

I really enjoyed working with Brittney. She has great ideas, she listens and has a good sense of what to do. Brittney is helpful, kind and easy to work with. Plus she is professional, insightful and has useful information to give.

Kristina Knordendhal



After working with Brittney, it turned out that I actually already knew my niche, but needed to get clear on my messaging. I also got some great ideas for opt-in offers and freebies that I can use for people. I then made some changes to my Facebook group strategy and launched it shortly after meeting with her!

I loved that she understood exactly where I was coming from. One of the most helpful questions she asked me was in regard to a client that didn’t move forward with me. She asked, “Was that person maybe just not your idea client?” That helped me to put things into perspective when I was feeling like I needed to change the copy on my site.

I would recommend Brittney to other entrepreneurs that I know! She’s very intuitive, and clearly has a heart to help people. She knows her stuff!!!

Audra Coats-Hudson

She Who Thirsts

She Who Thirsts

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